Most of us are aware that the current year 2016 is completely divisible by 4, and hence is a "Leap Year".
Fun fact: The quotient of 2016/4 = 504 is ALSO divisible by 4, making 2016 a "Leap Leap Year"
Fun fun fact: The year 1984 was a "Leap Leap Leap Year".
Try it yourself.
Fun fact: The quotient of 2016/4 = 504 is ALSO divisible by 4, making 2016 a "Leap Leap Year"
Fun fun fact: The year 1984 was a "Leap Leap Leap Year".
Try it yourself.
Sorry to disappoint the folks claiming January 2016 to be special because it has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays, which supposedly happens only once every 823 years… This ain't true.
Just 6 years later, January 2021 will also have the same set of 5s.
A month with 5 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays occurs almost every year. This is because the first three weekdays of any 31-day month are repeated 5 times in that month. So, any month that has 31 days and begins on a Friday will have 5 Fridays-Saturdays-Sundays.